Operating much like a bookmobile, our purple vans and experienced art educators engage children and the elderly with fun educational art activities at community sites across New Bedford and the SouthCoast.
Established in 1995, over 33,000 youth have engaged with the artMOBILE learning artistic and inventive instruction with quality art supplies in area parks, housing facilities, partnering organizations, and cultural events. This outreach program continues to be a free and accessible source of creativity thanks to your support.
Help us keep the artMOBILE running!

Creative Care, the artMOBILE's latest program, brings curated art kits and classes to senior citizens in our community. The 2021-2023 sessions are made possible through grants provided by the Association for the Relief of Aged Women of New Bedford, Coastline Elderly Services Office of Elder Affairs, and Bristol County Savings Banks Charitable Fund.

The artMOBILE program is sponsored in part by The SouthCoast Community Foundation, Children’s Art Fund, New Bedford Day Nursery, Bristol County Savings Bank, Bank Five, and our patrons and members.