Andromeda Galaxy, Robert Gender c. 2008, print on metal, gift of Jonathan and Elizabeth Howland
Images of the Invisible: The James Webb Space Telescope
Thursday, February 27
Free For All
A free public lecture offered in conjunction with Nebulae: The Universe Unveiled
NASA's newest orbital observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope, is both a triumph of extreme engineering and a window onto a view of the universe invisible to our human eyes.
Join us for a talk by local astronomer and curator of the NASA images in Nebulae: The Universe Unveiled, Mark Munkacsy. Together we will explore some of the extraordinary pictures taken by this telescope from its perch a million miles away from the Earth. Find out how the James Webb Space Telescope is helping us "sniff" the atmospheres of planets around other stars as
NASA searches for extraterrestrial life, and how its pictures are looking back in time over 13 billion years, nearly to the big bang itself.
NASA searches for extraterrestrial life, and how its pictures are looking back in time over 13 billion years, nearly to the big bang itself.